Cycle Tourism Routes Around The Island Of Mallorca
For decades now we have been witnessing the dawning of the bicycle, both as a means of practising sports and as a way of discovering a country close to. Given its excellent conditions, Mallorca is one of the most privileged settings for the practise of this mode of sport. The contrasting geography (coast, plain and mountains), the balanced, harmonious distribution of villages and hamlets, and the good condition of both urban and rural heritage, are all exceptional qualities for cycling and discovering the island in-depth from the saddle of a bike.
Autor: Vibot, Tomās
ISBN: 978-84-96608--69-6
Ediciķ: 2007
Colˇlecciķ: Guies del Gall
Pāgines: 109
Format: 20,5x9,5
Preu Format Paper: 9.8 €
Quantitat: Total: